Guida: Arrivano gli Elgift!

Funzionalità e caratteristiche di queste nuove unità!

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  1. Natale.

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    Bene, in modo molto inaspettato è stato introdotto il nuovo sistema di Extra Skill Learning Sistem anche sul global. Per i meno informati, oggi, il mio compito è farvi immergere nel fantasmagorico mondo dei cosiddetti "pelosini"

    Iniziamo, i personaggi introdotti sono questi:

    Vediamoli assieme:


    Il compito di questa unità è far apprendere un'ulteriore Extra skill al vostro personaggio, attualmente è disponibile solamente attraverso 2 metodi.

    1. Frontier Hunter HR46 - in arrivo -

    2. Doppia evocazione nel portare mega raro (5 gemme) - Durante determinati eventi - Ignoriamo se la promozione sia permanente -


    Esso, ha la funzione primaria di ELIMINARE, solamente la extra skill appresa tramite ELGIFT! Al momento, ma speriamo nel breve periodo, esseri saranno inseriti all'interno dello shop a randall al costo di 5.000 AP.

    Il funzionamento del pelosino nero è abbastanza semplice, una volta acquistato, andrà fuso sull'unità a cui volete far dimenticare l'extra skill aggiuntiva, così facendo succederà questo:

    1. Emgift scomparirà.

    2. L'extra skill ACQUISITA verrà dimenticata.

    3. L'elgift posseduto dall'unità ritornerà nel vosto GIFT BOX (stessa rarità e stessa funzione).

    Per chi volesse dare una spulciatina a tutti gli elgift, ve li lascio in basso!

    Rarità 1
    Rarity ID Name Effect
    1* [1000000] 破壊の刻印Lv1 +10% ATK
    1* [1000100] 守護の刻印Lv1 +10% DEF
    1* [1000200] 治癒の刻印Lv1 +10% REC
    1* [1000300] 生命の刻印Lv1 +10% HP
    1* [1002300] EXS2_69 Increase DEF by 100
    1* [1002400] EXS2_72 Increase REC by 100
    1* [1002500] EXS2_75 Increase HP by 1000
    1* [1002800] 破壊の魂靭Lv1 +15% ATK when HP is full
    1* [1002900] 破壊の闘志Lv1 +15% ATK when BB Gauge is full
    1* [1003000] 守護の魂靭Lv1 +15% DEF when HP is full
    1* [1003100] 守護の闘志Lv1 +15% DEF when BB Gauge is full
    1* [1005800] 悪疫の悲劇Lv1 40% ATK against Statused Targets
    1* [1009900] EXS2_347 Reduce Damage 20% (10% Chance)

    Rarità 2
    2* | [1000001] | 破壊の刻印Lv2 | +20% ATK
    2* | [1000101] | 守護の刻印Lv2 | +20% DEF
    2* | [1000201] | 治癒の刻印Lv2 | +20% REC
    2* | [1000301] | 生命の刻印Lv2 | +20% HP
    2* | [1000400] | 破神の威光Lv1 | +10% HP/ATK
    2* | [1000500] | 守神の威光Lv1 | +10% HP/DEF
    2* | [1000600] | 闘神の威光Lv1 | +10% ATK/DEF
    2* | [1002801] | 破壊の魂靭Lv2 | +25% ATK when HP is full
    2* | [1002901] | 破壊の闘志Lv2 | +25% ATK when BB Gauge is full
    2* | [1003001] | 守護の魂靭Lv2 | +25% DEF when HP is full
    2* | [1003101] | 守護の闘志Lv2 | +25% DEF when BB Gauge is full
    2* | [1004200] | EXS2_146 | Boosts ATK, DEF, REC when HP is above 50% & chance to recover HP when attacked
    2* | [1004300] | EXS2_147 | Boosts ATK, DEF, REC greatly when BB gauge is above 50% & chance to fill BB gauge when attacked
    2* | [1004700] | 重激の破刃Lv1 | +30% Spark Damage
    2* | [1004800] | 重激の追憶Lv1 | 2 Turn 30% Spark Buff after 15 Sparks
    2* | [1004900] | EXS2_171 | Boosts damage greatly during spark and chance to fill BB gauge
    2* | [1004901] | EXS2_172 | Boosts damage greatly during spark, increase BC+HC drop rate, BB gauge fill on spark
    2* | [1005000] | 閃撃の光印Lv1 | +5% Crit
    2* | [1005100] | 閃撃の破刃Lv1 | +30% Crit Damage
    2* | [1005200] | 閃撃の錬気Lv1 | 1-2 BC On Crit
    2* | [1005300] | EXS2_188 | Boosts crit rate greatly and increase crit damage, boost BB gauge during crit
    2* | [1005801] | 悪疫の悲劇Lv2 | 60% ATK against Statused Targets
    2* | [1005900] | EXS2_210 | Increase normal attack hit count & increase BC, HC, item drop rate
    2* | [1006000] | EXS2_211 | Increase HP by 30%, increase normal attack hit count, and increase BC HC drop rate when attacking
    2* | [1006100] | EXS2_212 | Increase ATK by 30%, greatly increase BB damage, and increase damage dealt to weak element
    2* | [1006200] | EXS2_213 | Increase normal attack hit count, and chance of BB gauge increase during normal attack, & absorb HP when attacking
    2* | [1006300] | EXS2_214 | Every time damage dealt exceeds a threshold, spark damage increases on the next turn
    2* | [1006500] | 闘神の号令Lv1 | 1-3 BC On Attack
    2* | [1006700] | EXS2_230 | Slightly decreases BB gauge needed to use BB
    2* | [1006800] | EXS2_235 | Slightly reduces BB gauge consumption when BB is used
    2* | [1007000] | 英雄の鉄則Lv1 | BB Gauge increases when damage received exceeds a certain threshold
    2* | [1007100] | EXS2_249 | Great increase in BB gauge every turn & chance of BB gauge increase when attacked
    2* | [1007200] | EXS2_250 | Greatly increases BB gauge fill rate when obtaining BC & Reduces BB gauge consumption when BB is used
    2* | [1007300] | EXS2_251 | BB gauge increases every turn whenever BC obtained exceeds a certain threshold
    2* | [1007700] | EXS2_263 | 1% HP Drain
    2* | [1007900] | 溢れる天愛Lv1 | HP recovers on turn each time HC obtained exceeds a certain threshold
    2* | [1008000] | EXS2_276 | Chance of HP recovery when attacked & gives angel idol buff once when HP goes below 20%
    2* | [1008100] | 賢宝の在処Lv1 | +5% BC/HC Drop Rate
    2* | [1008200] | 盗賊の手記Lv1 | +2% Karma Drop Rate +5% Zel Drop Rate +1% Item Drop Rate
    2* | [1008400] | EXS2_292 | BC, HC, item drop rate increases whenever BC+ HC obtained exceeds a certain threshold
    2* | [1008700] | EXS2_303 | Increase HP by 20%, nullify all status ailments and nullify ATK/DEF/REC down
    2* | [1008701] | EXS2_304 | Increase HP by 20%, nullify all status ailments and BB gauge increases when attacked
    2* | [1008800] | 毒の蝕力Lv1 | +10% Inflict Poison
    2* | [1008900] | 弱体の蝕力Lv1 | +10% Inflict Weaken
    2* | [1009000] | 病気の蝕力Lv1 | +10% Inflict Sick
    2* | [1009100] | 怪我の蝕力Lv1 | +10% Inflict Injury
    2* | [1009400] | 呪いの蝕力Lv1 | +10% Inflict Curse
    2* | [1009500] | 麻痺の蝕力Lv1 | +10% Inflict Paralyze
    2* | [1009901] | EXS2_348 | Reduce Damage 20% (15% Chance)
    2* | [1010100] | EXS2_354 | __% Mit when Guarding, DEF increases when Guarding
    2* | [1010300] | EXS2_363 | Increase DEF by 20% & chance to decrease damage received by 20% and nullify weak element attacks
    2* | [1010400] | EXS2_364 | DEF increases by 100 for the first 3 turns & 50% damage mitigation, BB gauge increase when attacked
    2* | [1012100] | EXS2_449 | Greatly increases OD gauge fill rate and Huge increase to BB gauge fill rate

    Rarità 3
    3* | [1000002] | 破壊の刻印Lv3 | +30% ATK
    3* | [1000102] | 守護の刻印Lv3 | +30% DEF
    3* | [1000202] | 治癒の刻印Lv3 | +30% REC
    3* | [1000302] | 生命の刻印Lv3 | +30% HP
    3* | [1000401] | 破神の威光Lv2 | +15% HP/ATK
    3* | [1000501] | 守神の威光Lv2 | +15% HP/DEF
    3* | [1000601] | 闘神の威光Lv2 | +15% ATK/DEF
    3* | [1000700] | 統神の天啓Lv1 | +10% All Stats
    3* | [1002201] | EXS2_67 | Increase ATK by 500
    3* | [1002301] | EXS2_70 | Increase DEF by 500
    3* | [1002401] | EXS2_73 | Increase REC by 500
    3* | [1002501] | EXS2_76 | Increase HP by 2000
    3* | [1002802] | 破壊の魂靭Lv3 | +50% ATK when HP is full
    3* | [1002902] | 破壊の闘志Lv3 | +50% ATK when BB Gauge is full
    3* | [1003002] | 守護の魂靭Lv3 | +50% DEF when HP is full
    3* | [1003102] | 守護の闘志Lv3 | +50% DEF when BB Gauge is full
    3* | [1003200] | 覇神の魂靭Lv1 | +15% ATK/DEF/REC when HP is full
    3* | [1003300] | 覇神の闘志Lv1 | +15% ATK/DEF/REC when BB Gauge is full
    3* | [1003400] | 天神の命燈Lv1 | +10% ATK/DEF/REC when HP is above 50%
    3* | [1003500] | 天神の英気Lv1 | +10% ATK/DEF/REC when BB Gauge is above 50%
    3* | [1003600] | 魔神の燃命Lv1 | +15% ATK/DEF/REC when HP is below 50%
    3* | [1003700] | 魔神の煉気Lv1 | +15% ATK/DEF/REC when BB Gauge is below 50%
    3* | [1003800] | 栄神の威命Lv1 | 0-15% ATK/DEF/REC depending on HP remaining
    3* | [1003900] | 叛神の輝血Lv1 | 0-15% ATK/DEF/REC depending on HP lost
    3* | [1004400] | 重激の創光Lv1 | 50% Chance 1-2 BC On Spark
    3* | [1004600] | 重激の錬石Lv1 | +10% BC/HC Drop Rate on Spark
    3* | [1004701] | 重激の破刃Lv2 | +40% Spark Damage
    3* | [1004801] | 重激の追憶Lv2 | 2 Turn 40% Spark Buff after 15 Sparks
    3* | [1005001] | 閃撃の光印Lv2 | +10% Crit
    3* | [1005101] | 閃撃の破刃Lv2 | +50% Crit Damage
    3* | [1005201] | 閃撃の錬気Lv2 | 2-3 BC On Crit
    3* | [1005400] | 覚醒の英歌Lv1 | +25% BB/SBB/UBB Mod
    3* | [1005600] | ピアシングLv1 | 10% Chance Ignore Def
    3* | [1005700] | 災厄の神話Lv1 | +30% All Weakness Damage
    3* | [1005802] | 悪疫の悲劇Lv3 | 80% ATK against Statused Targets
    3* | [1006400] | 魔将の凱歌Lv1 | 1 BC/turn
    3* | [1006501] | 闘神の号令Lv2 | 2-4 BC On Attack
    3* | [1006600] | 女帝の鼓動Lv1 | 1 BC when hit
    3* | [1006701] | EXS2_231 | Decreases BB gauge needed to use BB
    3* | [1006801] | EXS2_236 | Reduces BB gauge consumption when BB is used
    3* | [1006900] | 繁栄の貴種Lv1 | +5% BB Gauge Fill Rate
    3* | [1007001] | 英雄の鉄則Lv2 | BB Gauge greatly increases when damage received exceeds a certain threshold
    3* | [1007500] | 聖癒のお告げLv1 | Heal 500 (+ 10% REC) HP/turn
    3* | [1007600] | 天使の涙Lv1 | 25% Chance 5% DMG to HP when hit
    3* | [1007701] | 魔神の血槍Lv1 | 2-4% HP Drain
    3* | [1007800] | ハイペリオンLv1 | 10% HC Effectiveness
    3* | [1007901] | 溢れる天愛Lv2 | HP recovers greatly on turn each time HC obtained exceeds a certain threshold
    3* | [1008101] | EXS2_278 | +5% BC/HC Drop Rate
    3* | [1008201] | 盗賊の手記Lv2 | +4% Karma Drop Rate +8% Zel Drop Rate +1% Item Drop Rate
    3* | [1008300] | 怪盗の伝説Lv1 | +2% BC/HC/Zel Drop Rate +1% Karma/Item Drop Rate
    3* | [1008500] | 毒の知識 | Negate Poison
    3* | [1008501] | 弱体の知識 | Negate Weaken
    3* | [1008502] | 病気の知識 | Negate Sick
    3* | [1008503] | 怪我の知識 | Negate Injury
    3* | [1008504] | 呪いの知識 | Negate Curse
    3* | [1008505] | 麻痺の知識 | Negate Paralyze
    3* | [1008801] | 毒の蝕力Lv2 | +15% Inflict Poison
    3* | [1008901] | 弱体の蝕力Lv2 | +15% Inflict Weaken
    3* | [1009001] | 病気の蝕力Lv2 | +15% Inflict Sick
    3* | [1009201] | 怪我の蝕力Lv2 | +15% Inflict Injury
    3* | [1009401] | 呪いの蝕力Lv2 | +15% Inflict Curse
    3* | [1009501] | 麻痺の蝕力Lv2 | +15% Inflict Paralyze
    3* | [1009600] | 混沌の蝕力Lv1 | +5% Inflict Poison/Curse +7% Inflict Sick, +7% Inflict Injury/Weaken +5% Inflict Paralyze
    3* | [1009700] | 混沌の叛旗Lv1 | Low chance to inflict a random status when hit
    3* | [1009800] | EXS2_329 | 5% Fire Resist
    3* | [1009801] | EXS2_330 | 5% Water Resist
    3* | [1009802] | EXS2_331 | 5% Earth Resist
    3* | [1009803] | EXS2_332 | 5% Thunder Resist
    3* | [1009804] | EXS2_333 | 5% Light Resist
    3* | [1009805] | EXS2_334 | 5% Dark Resist
    3* | [1009902] | EXS2_349 | Reduce Damage 20% (20% Chance)
    3* | [1010000] | 盾皇の伝記Lv1 | +5% Mit when Guarding, 2 BC when hit while Guarding
    3* | [1012000] | 絆の詩Lv1 | 10% OD Gauge Fill Rate

    Rarità 4
    4* | [1000003] | 破壊の刻印Lv4 | +40% ATK
    4* | [1000103] | 守護の刻印Lv4 | +40% DEF
    4* | [1000203] | 治癒の刻印Lv4 | +40% REC
    4* | [1000303] | 生命の刻印Lv4 | +40% HP
    4* | [1000402] | 破神の威光Lv3 | +20% HP/ATK
    4* | [1000502] | 守神の威光Lv3 | +20% HP/DEF
    4* | [1000602] | 闘神の威光Lv3 | +20% ATK/DEF
    4* | [1000701] | 統神の天啓Lv2 | +15% All Stats
    4* | [1002803] | 破壊の魂靭Lv4 | +75% ATK when HP is full
    4* | [1002903] | 破壊の闘志Lv4 | +75% ATK when BB Gauge is full
    4* | [1003003] | 守護の魂靭Lv4 | +75% DEF when HP is full
    4* | [1003103] | 守護の闘志Lv4 | +75% DEF when BB Gauge is full
    4* | [1003201] | 覇神の魂靭Lv2 | +20% ATK/DEF/REC when HP is full
    4* | [1003301] | 覇神の闘志Lv2 | +20% ATK/DEF/REC when BB Gauge is full
    4* | [1003401] | 天神の命燈Lv2 | +20% ATK/DEF/REC when HP is above 50%
    4* | [1003501] | 天神の英気Lv2 | +20% ATK/DEF/REC when BB Gauge is above 50%
    4* | [1003601] | 魔神の燃命Lv2 | +25% ATK/DEF/REC when HP is below 50%
    4* | [1003701] | 魔神の煉気Lv2 | +25% ATK/DEF/REC when BB Gauge is below 50%
    4* | [1003801] | 栄神の威命Lv2 | 0-20% ATK/DEF/REC depending on HP remaining
    4* | [1003901] | 叛神の輝血Lv2 | 0-25% ATK/DEF/REC depending on HP lost
    4* | [1004401] | 重激の創光Lv2 | 50% Chance 1-3 BC On Spark
    4* | [1004500] | 重激の錬気Lv1 | 1 BC On Spark
    4* | [1004601] | 重激の錬石Lv2 | +15% BC/HC Drop Rate on Spark
    4* | [1004702] | 重激の破刃Lv3 | +50% Spark Damage
    4* | [1004802] | 重激の追憶Lv3 | 2 Turn 60% Spark Buff after 15 Sparks
    4* | [1005002] | 閃撃の光印Lv3 | +15% Crit
    4* | [1005102] | 閃撃の破刃Lv3 | +70% Crit Damage
    4* | [1005202] | 閃撃の錬気Lv3 | 3-4 BC On Crit
    4* | [1005401] | 覚醒の英歌Lv2 | +50% BB/SBB/UBB Mod
    4* | [1005601] | ピアシングLv2 | 20% Chance Ignore Def
    4* | [1005701] | 災厄の神話Lv2 | +50% All Weakness Damage
    4* | [1005803] | 悪疫の悲劇Lv4 | 100% ATK against Statused Targets
    4* | [1006401] | 魔将の凱歌Lv2 | 2 BC/turn
    4* | [1006502] | 闘神の号令Lv3 | 3-6 BC On Attack
    4* | [1006601] | 女帝の鼓動Lv2 | 1-2 BC when hit
    4* | [1006702] | EXS2_232 | Greatly decreases BB gauge needed to use BB
    4* | [1006802] | EXS2_237 | Greatly reduces BB gauge consumption when BB is used
    4* | [1006901] | 繁栄の貴種Lv2 | +10% BB Gauge Fill Rate
    4* | [1007002] | 英雄の鉄則Lv3 | Huge BB Gauge increase when damage received exceeds a certain threshold
    4* | [1007501] | 聖癒のお告げLv2 | Heal 800 (+ 10% REC) HP/turn
    4* | [1007601] | 天使の涙Lv2 | 25% Chance 10% DMG to HP when hit
    4* | [1007702] | 魔神の血槍Lv2 | 5-8% HP Drain
    4* | [1007801] | ハイペリオンLv2 | 20% HC Effectiveness
    4* | [1007902] | 溢れる天愛Lv3 | Huge HP recovery on turn each time HC obtained exceeds a certain threshold
    4* | [1008102] | 賢宝の在処Lv2 | +15% BC/HC Drop Rate
    4* | [1008202] | 盗賊の手記Lv3 | +6% Karma Drop Rate +12% Zel Drop Rate +2% Item Drop Rate
    4* | [1008301] | 怪盗の伝説Lv2 | +4% BC/HC/Zel Drop Rate +2% Karma Drop Rate +1% Item Drop Rate
    4* | [1008506] | 毒・怪我・弱体の解法 | Negate Injury/Poison/Weaken
    4* | [1008507] | 呪い・麻痺・病気の解法 | Negate Sick/Curse/Paralyze
    4* | [1008802] | 毒の蝕力Lv3 | +20% Inflict Poison
    4* | [1008902] | 弱体の蝕力Lv3 | +20% Inflict Weaken
    4* | [1009002] | 病気の蝕力Lv3 | +20% Inflict Sick
    4* | [1009302] | 怪我の蝕力Lv3 | +20% Inflict Injury
    4* | [1009402] | 呪いの蝕力Lv3 | +20% Inflict Curse
    4* | [1009502] | 麻痺の蝕力Lv3 | +20% Inflict Paralyze
    4* | [1009601] | 混沌の蝕力Lv2 | +7% Inflict Poison/Curse +10% Inflict Sick, +10% Inflict Injury/Weaken +7% Inflict Paralyze
    4* | [1009701] | 混沌の叛旗Lv2 | Chance to inflict a random status when hit
    4* | [1009903] | EXS2_350 | Reduce Damage 20% (25% Chance)
    4* | [1010200] | 鉄壁の雄盾 | Null DEF ignore attacks by the enemy
    4* | [1010201] | 戯神の幸運 | 100% Base/Buffed Crit Resist
    4* | [1012001] | 絆の詩Lv2 | 20% OD Gauge Fill Rate

    Rarità 5
    5* | [1000004] | 破壊の刻印Lv5 | +50% ATK
    5* | [1000104] | 守護の刻印Lv5 | +50% DEF
    5* | [1000204] | 治癒の刻印Lv5 | +50% REC
    5* | [1000304] | 生命の刻印Lv5 | +50% HP
    5* | [1000403] | 破神の威光Lv4 | +30% HP/ATK
    5* | [1000503] | 守神の威光Lv4 | +30% HP/DEF
    5* | [1000603] | 闘神の威光Lv4 | +30% ATK/DEF
    5* | [1000702] | 統神の天啓Lv3 | +20% All Stats
    5* | [1000800] | 覇炎の天啓Lv1 | +20% All Stats - Fire
    5* | [1000900] | 覇水の天啓Lv1 | +20% All Stats - Water
    5* | [1001000] | 覇樹の天啓Lv1 | +20% All Stats - Earth
    5* | [1001100] | 覇雷の天啓Lv1 | +20% All Stats - Thunder
    5* | [1001200] | 覇光の天啓Lv1 | +20% All Stats - Light
    5* | [1001300] | 覇闇の天啓Lv1 | +20% All Stats - Dark
    5* | [1001400] | 勇武の天啓Lv1 | Male - +20% All Stats
    5* | [1001500] | 麗憐の天啓Lv1 | Female - +20% All Stats
    5* | [1001600] | 孤高の天啓Lv1 | Genderless - +20% All Stats
    5* | [1001700] | ロードの天啓Lv1 | +20% All Stats - Lord
    5* | [1001800] | アニマの天啓Lv1 | +20% All Stats - Anima
    5* | [1001900] | ブレイカーの天啓Lv1 | +20% All Stats - Breaker
    5* | [1002000] | ガーディアンの天啓Lv1 | +20% All Stats - Guardian
    5* | [1002100] | オラクルの天啓Lv1 | +20% All Stats - Oracle
    5* | [1002202] | EXS2_68 | Increase ATK by 1000
    5* | [1002302] | EXS2_71 | Increase DEF by 1000
    5* | [1002402] | EXS2_74 | Increase REC by 1000
    5* | [1002502] | EXS2_77 | Increase HP by 3000
    5* | [1002600] | EXS2_78 | +15% All Stats, +5% BC/HC Drop Rate
    5* | [1002601] | EXS2_79 | +15% All Stats, 1-2% HP Drain
    5* | [1002602] | EXS2_80 | +15% All Stats, +50% All Weakness Damage
    5* | [1002804] | 破壊の魂靭Lv5 | +100% ATK when HP is full
    5* | [1002904] | 破壊の闘志Lv5 | +100% ATK when BB Gauge is full
    5* | [1003004] | 守護の魂靭Lv5 | +100% DEF when HP is full
    5* | [1003104] | 守護の闘志Lv5 | +100% DEF when BB Gauge is full
    5* | [1003202] | 覇神の魂靭Lv3 | +30% ATK/DEF/REC when HP is full
    5* | [1003302] | 覇神の闘志Lv3 | +30% ATK/DEF/REC when BB Gauge is full
    5* | [1003402] | 天神の命燈Lv3 | +30% ATK/DEF/REC when HP is above 50%
    5* | [1003502] | 天神の英気Lv3 | +30% ATK/DEF/REC when BB Gauge is above 50%
    5* | [1003602] | 魔神の燃命Lv3 | +50% ATK/DEF/REC when HP is below 50%
    5* | [1003702] | 魔神の煉気Lv3 | +50% ATK/DEF/REC when BB Gauge is below 50%
    5* | [1003802] | 栄神の威命Lv3 | 0-30% ATK/DEF/REC depending on HP remaining
    5* | [1003902] | 叛神の輝血Lv3 | 0-50% ATK/DEF/REC depending on HP lost
    5* | [1004000] | 聖魔の天秤 | 0-100% ATK depending on HP remaining, 0-100% DEF depending on HP lost
    5* | [1004402] | 重激の創光Lv3 | 50% Chance 2-4 BC On Spark
    5* | [1004501] | 重激の錬気Lv2 | 1-2 BC On Spark
    5* | [1004602] | 重激の錬石Lv3 | +20% BC/HC Drop Rate on Spark
    5* | [1004703] | 重激の破刃Lv4 | +60% Spark Damage
    5* | [1004803] | 重激の追憶Lv4 | 2 Turn 80% Spark Buff after 15 Sparks
    5* | [1005003] | 閃撃の光印Lv4 | +20% Crit
    5* | [1005103] | 閃撃の破刃Lv4 | +100% Crit Damage
    5* | [1005203] | 閃撃の錬気Lv4 | 3-5 BC On Crit
    5* | [1005402] | 覚醒の英歌Lv3 | +75% BB/SBB/UBB Mod
    5* | [1005500] | 疾風演武 | Hit Count +1
    5* | [1005602] | ピアシングLv3 | 30% Chance Ignore Def
    5* | [1005702] | 災厄の神話Lv3 | +70% All Weakness Damage
    5* | [1005804] | 悪疫の悲劇Lv5 | 120% ATK against Statused Targets
    5* | [1006402] | 魔将の凱歌Lv3 | 3 BC/turn
    5* | [1006503] | 闘神の号令Lv4 | 4-8 BC On Attack
    5* | [1006602] | 女帝の鼓動Lv3 | 1-3 BC when hit
    5* | [1006703] | EXS2_233 | Huge decrease in BB gauge needed to use BB
    5* | [1006803] | EXS2_238 | Huge reduction in BB gauge consumption when BB is used
    5* | [1006902] | 繁栄の貴種Lv3 | +15% BB Gauge Fill Rate
    5* | [1007003] | 英雄の鉄則Lv4 | Massive BB Gauge increase when damage received exceeds a certain threshold
    5* | [1007502] | 聖癒のお告げLv3 | Heal 1000 (+ 10% REC) HP/turn
    5* | [1007602] | 天使の涙Lv3 | 25% Chance 15% DMG to HP when hit
    5* | [1007703] | 魔神の血槍Lv3 | 6-10% HP Drain
    5* | [1007802] | ハイペリオンLv3 | 30% HC Effectiveness
    5* | [1007903] | 溢れる天愛Lv4 | Massive HP recovery on turn each time HC obtained exceeds a certain threshold
    5* | [1008103] | 賢宝の在処Lv3 | +20% BC/HC Drop Rate
    5* | [1008203] | 盗賊の手記Lv4 | +8% Karma Drop Rate +15% Zel Drop Rate +2% Item Drop Rate
    5* | [1008302] | 怪盗の伝説Lv3 | +6% BC/HC/Zel Drop Rate +3% Karma Drop Rate +1% Item Drop Rate
    5* | [1008508] | 聖女神の守護 | Invalidate Status Ailments
    5* | [1008600] | 隠者の晶壁 | Debuff Immunity
    5* | [1009602] | 混沌の蝕力Lv3 | +10% Inflict Poison/Curse +13% Inflict Sick, +13% Inflict Injury/Weaken +10% Inflict Paralyze
    5* | [1009702] | 混沌の叛旗Lv3 | High chance to inflict a random status when hit
    5* | [1009806] | EXS2_335 | 10% Fire Resist
    5* | [1009807] | EXS2_336 | 10% Water Resist
    5* | [1009808] | EXS2_337 | 10% Earth Resist
    5* | [1009809] | EXS2_338 | 10% Thunder Resist
    5* | [1009810] | EXS2_339 | 10% Light Resist
    5* | [1009811] | EXS2_340 | 10% Dark Resist
    5* | [1009904] | EXS2_351 | Reduce Damage 20% (30% Chance)
    5* | [1010001] | 盾皇の伝記Lv2 | +10% Mit when Guarding, 3 BC when hit while Guarding
    5* | [1010202] | 聖者の証明 | 100% Base/Buffed Element Weakness Resist
    5* | [1011000] | EXS2_365 | Add Effect To BB/SBB (3 turn Fire Buff)
    5* | [1011010] | EXS2_366 | Add Effect To BB/SBB (3 turn Water Buff)
    5* | [1011020] | EXS2_367 | Add Effect To BB/SBB (3 turn Earth Buff)
    5* | [1011030] | EXS2_368 | Add Effect To BB/SBB (3 turn Thunder Buff)
    5* | [1011040] | EXS2_369 | Add Effect To BB/SBB (3 turn Light Buff)
    5* | [1011050] | EXS2_370 | Add Effect To BB/SBB (3 turn Dark Buff)
    5* | [1011150] | EXS2_380 | Add "DEF ignore for 2 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011160] | EXS2_381 | Add "Chance for ATK Down for 1 turn" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011170] | EXS2_382 | Add "Chance for DEF Down for 1 turn" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011180] | EXS2_383 | Add "Chance for DEF Down for 1 turn" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011190] | EXS2_384 | Add "Increase BC, HC drop rate for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011200] | EXS2_385 | Add "Increase BB damage for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011210] | EXS2_386 | Add "Increase ATK for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011220] | EXS2_387 | Add "Increase DEF for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011230] | EXS2_388 | Add "Increase REC for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011240] | EXS2_389 | Add "Increase ATK, DEF & REC for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011250] | EXS2_390 | Add "Increase ATK relative to DEF for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011260] | EXS2_391 | Add "Increase ATK relative to REC for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011270] | EXS2_392 | Add "Increase DEF relative to ATK for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011280] | EXS2_393 | Add "Increase ATK relative to Max HP for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011290] | EXS2_394 | Add "Increase Fire units' ATK for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011300] | EXS2_395 | Add "Increase Water units' ATK for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011310] | EXS2_396 | Add "Increase Earth units' ATK for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011320] | EXS2_397 | Add "Increase Thunder units' ATK for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011330] | EXS2_398 | Add "Increase Light units' ATK for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011340] | EXS2_399 | Add "Increase Dark units' ATK for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011350] | EXS2_400 | Add "Increase Fire units' DEF for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011360] | EXS2_401 | Add "Increase Water units' DEF for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011370] | EXS2_402 | Add "Increase Earth units' DEF for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011380] | EXS2_403 | Add "Increase Thunder units' DEF for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011390] | EXS2_404 | Add "Increase Light units' DEF for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011400] | EXS2_405 | Add "Increase Dark units' DEF for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011410] | EXS2_406 | Add "Increase Male units' ATK for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011420] | EXS2_407 | Add "Increase Female units' ATK for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011430] | EXS2_408 | Add "Increase Genderless units' ATK for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011440] | EXS2_409 | Add "Increase Male units' DEF for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011450] | EXS2_410 | Add "Increase Female units' DEF for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011460] | EXS2_411 | Add "Increase Genderless units' DEF for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011470] | EXS2_412 | Add "Increase all allies' HP" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011480] | EXS2_413 | Add "Increase Spark damage for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011490] | EXS2_414 | Add "Increase Critical rate for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011500] | EXS2_415 | Add "Increase Critical hit damage for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011510] | EXS2_416 | Add "Increase BB gauge for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011520] | EXS2_417 | Add "Heal HP for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011530] | EXS2_418 | Add "Chance to increase BB gauge when hit for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011540] | EXS2_419 | Add "Chance to regen HP when hit for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011550] | EXS2_420 | Add "Increase BB fill rate for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011560] | EXS2_421 | Add "Increase BB gauge of all alies" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011580] | EXS2_423 | Add "DoT for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011590] | EXS2_424 | Add "Applies random status to attack for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011600] | EXS2_425 | Add "Increase damage to weak element for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011630] | EXS2_428 | Add "Chance to apply a random status ailment when damage is received for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011650] | EXS2_430 | Add "Reduce damage received from Fire enemies for 3 turns to all alies" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011660] | EXS2_431 | Add "Reduce damage received from Water enemies for 3 turns to all alies" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011670] | EXS2_432 | Add "Reduce damage received from Earth enemies for 3 turns to all alies" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011680] | EXS2_433 | Add "Reduce damage received from Thunder enemies for 3 turns to all alies" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011690] | EXS2_434 | Add "Reduce damage received from Light enemies for 3 turns to all alies" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011700] | EXS2_435 | Add "Reduce damage received from Dark enemies for 3 turns to all alies" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011710] | EXS2_436 | Add "Reduce damage received for 3 turns to all alies" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1011720] | EXS2_437 | Add "Increase Zel, Karma, Item drop rate for 3 turns to all alies" effect to BB & SBB
    5* | [1012002] | 絆の詩Lv3 | 30% OD Gauge Fill Rate
    5* | [1012600] | EXS2_454 | Slight increase in EXP gained

    Rarità 6
    6* | [1000005] | 破壊の刻印Lv6 | +75% ATK
    6* | [1000105] | 守護の刻印Lv6 | +75% DEF
    6* | [1000205] | 治癒の刻印Lv6 | +75% REC
    6* | [1000305] | 生命の刻印Lv6 | +75% HP
    6* | [1000404] | 破神の威光Lv5 | +40% HP/ATK
    6* | [1000504] | 守神の威光Lv5 | +40% HP/DEF
    6* | [1000604] | 闘神の威光Lv5 | +40% ATK/DEF
    6* | [1000703] | 統神の天啓Lv4 | +25% All Stats
    6* | [1003203] | 覇神の魂靭Lv4 | +50% ATK/DEF/REC when HP is full
    6* | [1003303] | 覇神の闘志Lv4 | +50% ATK/DEF/REC when BB Gauge is full
    6* | [1003403] | 天神の命燈Lv4 | +40% ATK/DEF/REC when HP is above 50%
    6* | [1003503] | 天神の英気Lv4 | +40% ATK/DEF/REC when BB Gauge is above 50%
    6* | [1003603] | 魔神の燃命Lv4 | +75% ATK/DEF/REC when HP is below 50%
    6* | [1003703] | 魔神の煉気Lv4 | +75% ATK/DEF/REC when BB Gauge is below 50%
    6* | [1003803] | 栄神の威命Lv4 | 0-50% ATK/DEF/REC depending on HP remaining
    6* | [1003903] | 叛神の輝血Lv4 | 0-75% ATK/DEF/REC depending on HP lost
    6* | [1004403] | 重激の創光Lv4 | 50% Chance 2-5 BC On Spark
    6* | [1004502] | 重激の錬気Lv3 | 1-3 BC On Spark
    6* | [1004603] | 重激の錬石Lv4 | +25% BC/HC Drop Rate on Spark
    6* | [1004704] | 重激の破刃Lv5 | +70% Spark Damage
    6* | [1005004] | 閃撃の光印Lv5 | +25% Crit
    6* | [1005104] | 閃撃の破刃Lv5 | +120% Crit Damage
    6* | [1005204] | 閃撃の錬気Lv5 | 3-6 BC On Crit
    6* | [1005403] | 覚醒の英歌Lv4 | +100% BB/SBB/UBB Mod
    6* | [1005501] | EXS2_195 | Hit Count +1
    6* | [1005703] | 災厄の神話Lv4 | +100% All Weakness Damage
    6* | [1006403] | 魔将の凱歌Lv4 | 4 BC/turn
    6* | [1006504] | 闘神の号令Lv5 | 5-10 BC On Attack
    6* | [1006603] | 女帝の鼓動Lv4 | 2-4 BC when hit
    6* | [1006704] | EXS2_234 | Massively decreases BB gauge needed to use BB
    6* | [1006804] | EXS2_239 | Massive reduction in BB gauge consumption when BB is used
    6* | [1006903] | 繁栄の貴種Lv4 | +20% BB Gauge Fill Rate
    6* | [1007503] | 聖癒のお告げLv4 | Heal 1200 (+ 10% REC) HP/turn
    6* | [1007603] | 天使の涙Lv4 | 25% Chance 20% DMG to HP when hit
    6* | [1007803] | ハイペリオンLv4 | 40% HC Effectiveness
    6* | [1008104] | 賢宝の在処Lv4 | +25% BC/HC Drop Rate
    6* | [1008204] | 盗賊の手記Lv5 | +10% Karma Drop Rate +20% Zel Drop Rate +3% Item Drop Rate
    6* | [1008303] | 怪盗の伝説Lv4 | +8% BC/HC/Zel Drop Rate +4% Karma Drop Rate +2% Item Drop Rate
    6* | [1010203] | EXS2_358 | Invalidate Status Ailments, Debuff Immunity
    6* | [1010204] | EXS2_359 | Invalidate Status Ailments, 100% Base/Buffed Element Weakness Resist
    6* | [1010205] | EXS2_360 | 100% Base/Buffed Element Weakness Resist + 100% Base/Buffed Crit Resist
    6* | [1011060] | EXS2_371 | Apply "Fire & Thunder element buff for 3 turns to all allies" on BB and SBB
    6* | [1011070] | EXS2_372 | Apply "Water & Earth element buff for 3 turns to all allies" on BB and SBB
    6* | [1011080] | EXS2_373 | Apply "Light & Dark element buff for 3 turns to all allies" on BB and SBB
    6* | [1011570] | EXS2_422 | Add "Increase normal attack hit count for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    6* | [1011610] | EXS2_426 | Add "Heal all status ailments" effect to BB & SBB
    6* | [1011620] | EXS2_427 | Add "Nullify all status ailments for 3 turns" effect to BB & SBB
    6* | [1011730] | EXS2_438 | Add "Fire element barrier to all alies" effect to UBB
    6* | [1011740] | EXS2_439 | Add "Water element barrier to all alies" effect to UBB
    6* | [1011750] | EXS2_440 | Add "Earth element barrier to all alies" effect to UBB
    6* | [1011760] | EXS2_441 | Add "Thunder element barrier to all alies" effect to UBB
    6* | [1011770] | EXS2_442 | Add "Light element barrier to all alies" effect to UBB
    6* | [1011780] | EXS2_443 | Add "Dark element barrier to all alies" effect to UBB
    6* | [1012003] | 絆の詩Lv4 | 40% OD Gauge Fill Rate
    6* | [1012601] | EXS2_455 | Increase in EXP gained

    Rarità 7
    7* | [1000006] | 破壊の刻印Lv7 | +100% ATK
    7* | [1000106] | 守護の刻印Lv7 | +100% DEF
    7* | [1000206] | 治癒の刻印Lv7 | +100% REC
    7* | [1000306] | 生命の刻印Lv7 | +100% HP
    7* | [1000405] | 破神の威光Lv6 | +50% HP/ATK
    7* | [1000505] | 守神の威光Lv6 | +50% HP/DEF
    7* | [1000605] | 闘神の威光Lv6 | +50% ATK/DEF
    7* | [1000704] | 統神の天啓Lv5 | +30% All Stats
    7* | [1002700] | EXS2_81 | +30% All Stats, +5% BC/HC Drop Rate
    7* | [1002701] | EXS2_82 | +30% All Stats, 1-2% HP Drain
    7* | [1002702] | EXS2_83 | +30% All Stats, +50% All Weakness Damage
    7* | [1003204] | 覇神の魂靭Lv5 | +75% ATK/DEF/REC when HP is full
    7* | [1003304] | 覇神の闘志Lv5 | +75% ATK/DEF/REC when BB Gauge is full
    7* | [1003404] | 天神の命燈Lv5 | +50% ATK/DEF/REC when HP is above 50%
    7* | [1003504] | 天神の英気Lv5 | +50% ATK/DEF/REC when BB Gauge is above 50%
    7* | [1003604] | 魔神の燃命Lv5 | +100% ATK/DEF/REC when HP is below 50%
    7* | [1003704] | 魔神の煉気Lv5 | +100% ATK/DEF/REC when BB Gauge is below 50%
    7* | [1003804] | 栄神の威命Lv5 | 0-75% ATK/DEF/REC depending on HP remaining
    7* | [1003904] | 叛神の輝血Lv5 | 0-100% ATK/DEF/REC depending on HP lost
    7* | [1004001] | EXS2_145 | 0-150% ATK depending on HP remaining, 0-200% DEF depending on HP lost
    7* | [1004404] | 重激の創光Lv5 | 50% Chance 2-6 BC On Spark
    7* | [1004503] | 重激の錬気Lv4 | 1-4 BC On Spark
    7* | [1004604] | 重激の錬石Lv5 | +30% BC/HC Drop Rate on Spark
    7* | [1005404] | 覚醒の英歌Lv5 | +150% BB/SBB/UBB Mod
    7* | [1005502] | EXS2_196 | Hit Count +1
    7* | [1005704] | 災厄の神話Lv5 | +120% All Weakness Damage
    7* | [1006404] | 魔将の凱歌Lv5 | 5 BC/turn
    7* | [1006604] | 女帝の鼓動Lv5 | 3-5 BC when hit
    7* | [1006904] | 繁栄の貴種Lv5 | +25% BB Gauge Fill Rate
    7* | [1007400] | EXS2_252 | Chance of BB gauge completely filling when BB gauge is below 50%
    7* | [1007504] | 聖癒のお告げLv5 | Heal 1500 (+ 10% REC) HP/turn
    7* | [1007604] | 天使の涙Lv5 | 25% Chance 25% DMG to HP when hit
    7* | [1007804] | ハイペリオンLv5 | 50% HC Effectiveness
    7* | [1008304] | 怪盗の伝説Lv5 | +10% BC/HC/Zel Drop Rate +5% Karma Drop Rate +2% Item Drop Rate
    7* | [1009812] | EXS2_341 | 15% Fire Resist
    7* | [1009813] | EXS2_342 | 15% Water Resist
    7* | [1009814] | EXS2_343 | 15% Earth Resist
    7* | [1009815] | EXS2_344 | 15% Thunder Resist
    7* | [1009816] | EXS2_345 | 15% Light Resist
    7* | [1009817] | EXS2_346 | 15% Dark Resist
    7* | [1010206] | EXS2_361 | Invalidate Status Ailments, 100% Base/Buffed Element Weakness Resist + 100% Base/Buffed Crit Resist
    7* | [1010207] | EXS2_362 | Debuff Immunity Status Immunity, 100% Base/Buffed Element Weakness Resist + 100% Base/Buffed Crit Resist
    7* | [1011090] | EXS2_374 | Apply "Fire, Thunder and Light element buff for 3 turns to all allies" on BB and SBB
    7* | [1011100] | EXS2_375 | Apply "Water, Earth and Dark element buff for 3 turns to all allies" on BB and SBB
    7* | [1011110] | EXS2_376 | Apply "All element buff for 3 turns to all allies" on SBB
    7* | [1011120] | EXS2_377 | Apply "All element buff for 3 turns to all allies" on UBB
    7* | [1011130] | EXS2_378 | Apply "All element buff for 3 turns to all allies" on UBB
    7* | [1011140] | EXS2_379 | Add "Fill all allies' BB gauge" effect to UBB
    7* | [1011640] | EXS2_429 | Add "Mitigate 50% of damage for 1 turn to all alies" effect to BB & SBB
    7* | [1011790] | EXS2_444 | Add "Chance to apply Angel Idol buff to all alies" effect to UBB
    7* | [1012200] | EXS2_450 | Gives Angel Idol buff once when HP goes below 20%
    7* | [1012300] | EXS2_451 | Equip any sphere combination regardless of category
    7* | [1012400] | EXS2_452 | Chance to receive Angel Idol buff up to 3 times
    7* | [1012500] | EXS2_453 | Chance to reapply Angel Idol effect once every time the amount of damage receive surpasses a certain threshold
    7* | [1012602] | EXS2_456 | Greatly increases EXPgained

    Per qualunque problema,dubbio o incomprensione non esitate e farcelo sapere!!!
  2. xDeaDVenoM

    User deleted

    Sulla wiki del global ci sono tutti i nomi tradotti in inglese Natale :) meglio aggiornare quelli giapponesi :asd:
  3. xendal

    User deleted

    É stupenderrimo quel coso peloso :D non vedo l'ora che arrivi sull'eu (ne terró uno solo per l'artwork)
  4. CostantinTRV

    User deleted

    Nat guida eccezionale, come al solito! ;) :)
  5. RedKinley

    User deleted

    Ottima guida, complimenti! Le uniche due cose che non capisco sono:

    1)dopo aver fuso un Elgift, dovrebbe spuntarne un altro nel GIFT BOX?
    2)come faccio a vedere qual'è il mio Elgift tra quelli che hai elencato? Non riesco a capirci nulla ahahah

    User deleted

    CITAZIONE (RedKinley @ 23/11/2015, 19:31) 
    Ottima guida, complimenti! Le uniche due cose che non capisco sono:

    1)dopo aver fuso un Elgift, dovrebbe spuntarne un altro nel GIFT BOX?
    2)come faccio a vedere qual'è il mio Elgift tra quelli che hai elencato? Non riesco a capirci nulla ahahah

    1) no, non funziona così. Se usi un elgift e poi decidi di rimuovere quella extraskill aggiuntiva puoi usare un emgift per rimuovere la extraskill e ritrovare l'elgift che hai usato nella gift box. Non è che una volta che lo usi ne ricevi uno uguale in regalo

    2) quelli sono i nomi jappo, quello inglese li scriveranno prossimamente. Comunque credo che ci sia una descrizione di cosa fa ognuno anche in gamr
  7. RedKinley

    User deleted

    Ok grazie adesso ho capito! Comunque si, se vai a vedere l'Elgift viene indicata la ES che puoi ottenere
6 replies since 23/11/2015, 15:37   220 views